Healthcare costs have been rising each year. A sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits are just some of the culprits and as an employer, you can gain competitive advantage by improving employee health. It’s no secret that healthy employees are more productive. To make them more efficient and creative, here are some wellness practices we’ve discovered on Entrepreneur:
Take impromptu walks. People with desk jobs are more predisposed to cardiovascular disease as compared to those with “standing” jobs. Aside from providing healthy snacks and lunch, that spur-of-the moment walk can save you.
Healthy commutes. Traffic and prolonged sitting in the car is a common scenario – and employers recognize this. Consider giving commuting allowances, like what Kaiser Permanente offer their employees, or encourage riding a bike to work, just like what Google is implementing.
Longer maternity leave. As a major life event, your employees will appreciate it more if you provide decent maternity leave and care options. This will prevent them from feeling overstressed and allow them to perform to their full potential.
These are just some of the initiatives you should consider to control healthcare costs and build a more productive workforce. You can also develop new ways of working and help your employees achieve balance between work and the rest of their lives.