Protect Yourself from Sports Injuries and Costly Medical Bills

Every time you run in the field or in the court, you are at risk for scrapes, bruises, dislocation, broken bone or ligament, and other injuries. And this would cost thousands of dollars in treatment.

A lot of Oregonian athletes end up in the emergency room each year caused by popular team sports. The total number of estimated Oregon emergency room injuries for seven team sports (baseball, basketball, football, ice hockey, soccer, softball and volleyball) is 27,000. In another report, the HHS emphasized that it can be costly to treat even minor injuries. A sprained ankle can cost a person $2,290, while charges for a broken arm could reach up to $7,700. This data from the ASPE Office of Health Policy revealed ankle or knee sprains and leg fractures as the most common sports injuries and estimated rates and were higher among children and young adults under the age of 25.

Following an injury, there would be hidden costs such as extra help you may need at home, medical aids, and loss of earnings and time off from work.

This is where health insurance comes in. It is important to understand how to protect yourself and your family against the financial impact of an injury. The only thing you can do is ensure you have the right coverage. With healthcare costs escalating each year, you don’t want to get caught out. Whether you require treatment for minor injuries or an extensive rehabilitative treatment and surgery, your chances of finding a plan that actually fits your needs is much higher, so you won’t have to worry about paying the bills.

It’s never too late: apply for coverage in the Marketplace where you can find quality affordable health plan that includes those unexpected sports injuries and preventive measures like regular check-ups and screening. Get an in-person help from our team today to know what’s available to you.


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