How to Choose a Plan That Works For You

Many business owners today are looking for affordable health insurance. If you are one of them, you can learn how to navigate the health insurance system with the help of IBG agents. When choosing healthcare coverage for your business, we recommend these steps:

Don’t assume one size fits all. Every business has unique needs so don’t settle for an insurance plan with a generic package. For employers with a broad age span of employees, providing them with two to three plan options is recommended. Also, don’t limit yourself to traditional plans. We are working with a variety of insurance carriers making it easier for you to pick the plan that fits your needs.

Listen to employee opinion. Remember to include employees in discussions about health coverage for you to better understand their needs and encourage them to take responsibility for their health care spending. You can talk to them about adopting making healthy choices.

Re-evaluate your coverage. Medical costs continue to rise and the health care reform law will be changing rapidly. Stay on top of the latest happenings and keep track of the changes in the composition of your workforce that might be needing adjustments to insurance plans.

Reach out for help. Looking into your options has never been easier with IBG agents on your side. It’s a lot less overwhelming when you have someone working with you to narrow down your selection based on your needs. We can also help you navigate the SHOP Marketplace for benefits such as health insurance tax credits.


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